Z USA do Będzina. Profesjonalny sprzęt dotarł do szpitala

Od Twoje Zagłębie

Funkcjonuje od miesiąca, jednak jego oficjalne przekazanie nastąpiło w poniedziałek. Do będzińskiego szpitala przybyli goście z USA, którzy przyczynili się do zakupu nowoczesnego sprzętu do badań serca.

Nowoczesna aparatura w bÄ™dziÅ„skiej placówce jest wykorzystywana już od kilku tygodni. – MieliÅ›my okazjÄ™ spotkać siÄ™ z darczyÅ„cami, pokazać im w jaki sposób funkcjonuje ten sprzÄ™t i ile znaczy dla mieszkaÅ„ców powiatu bÄ™dziÅ„skiego, bowiem faktycznie podnosi on jakość Å›wiadczonych usÅ‚ug medycznych przez nasz szpital – powiedziaÅ‚ RafaÅ‚ Adamczyk, wicestarosta bÄ™dziÅ„ski. – To dziaÅ‚anie wpisuje siÄ™ w naprawÄ™ programu ekonomicznego tej placówki – dodaÅ‚ RafaÅ‚ Adamczyk.

Wartość caÅ‚ej aparatury wynosi 130 tys. zÅ‚, z czego kwotÄ™ w wysokoÅ›ci 52 tys. zÅ‚. pokryÅ‚ sam szpital. – PozostaÅ‚e 78 tys. zÅ‚. przekazaÅ‚ nam z KoÅ›ciół Polskokatolicki w Stanach Zjednoczonych, a konkretnie jeden z dekanatów, którego dziekanem jest ksiÄ…dz Grzegorz MÅ‚udzik, pochodzÄ…cy z naszego terenu. To on zaproponowaÅ‚, aby przekazać te pieniÄ…dze na aparaturÄ™ do badaÅ„ chorób serca – mówiÅ‚ Jacek KoÅ‚acz, dyrektor bÄ™dziÅ„skiego szpitala.

Niewykluczone, że nie była to ostatnia pomoc finansowa dla szpitala zza oceanu. – Bardzo się cieszymy, że z roku na rok w naszym szpitalu pojawiają się coraz bardziej specjalistyczne, profesjonalne urządzenia. Wszystko ma na celu to, aby mieszkańcy, którzy niestety korzystają ze służby zdrowia mogli być leczeni w jak najlepszych warunkach – podkreślił Łukasz Komoniewski, prezydent Będzina.

Z USA do BÄ™dzina. Profesjonalny sprzÄ™t dotarÅ‚ do szpitala Read More »

Medical Bridge Donation to Polish Hospital

From September 18th through the 24th the Most Rev. Anthony Mikovsky and the Very Rev. Gregory Młudzik led a group of faithful and a delegation from the Polish National Union to Poland in observance of the 50th Anniversary of the organizing of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Żarki, Poland. During their visit they presented a check for $25,000 to support the work of Regional Hospital System in Będzin, Poland. Funds were raised through the work of the Medical Bridge to Poland program.

The regional hospital system offers preventative, diagnostic, treatment, and rehabilitative services through two hospitals with twenty departments and two specialty clinics with 35 specialists in occupational and primary health care.

Medical Bridge Donation to Polish Hospital Read More »

50th Anniversary of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Żarki, Poland

From September 18th through the 24th the Most Rev. Anthony Mikovsky and the Very Rev. Gregory Młudzik led a group of faithful and a delegation from the Polish National Union to Poland in observance of the 50th Anniversary of the organizing of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Żarki, Poland. Our Lady of Perpetual Help was established as a center of faith and also as a memorial of gratitude to the organizer of the Polish National Catholic Church, Most Rev. Francis Hodur. Żarki, Poland is the birthplace of Bishop Hodur.

The current church was built through the generosity of Polish National Catholics in the United States who channeled their support through the Polish National Union. The cornerstone for the church was blessed and laid by Prime Bishop Leon Grochowski in 1966 in the presence of the clergy and faithful from throughout Poland and the United States as well as representatives from the Polish National Union.

50th Anniversary of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Å»arki, Poland Read More »

Upcoming Events

Gift Auction: Our annual gift auction will be held Sunday, November 13th. Doors open at 1 PM. The auction starts 2:30 PM.

Thanksgiving Food Drive: A table has been set up in the church vestibule for our annual Thanksgiving food drive. Please bring in your donation of canned and non-perishable goods by Sunday, November 20th. God bless your generosity.

PNU District Convention: The District Convention of the Polish National Union of America, “Spójnia,” will be held Saturday, November 19th at 2:30 PM in the auditorium of our Parish.

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service: On behalf of the Ecumenical Committee of Passaic, I am inviting you to this year`s annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service which will be held at St. Anthony of Padua R.C. church, 95 Myrtle Ave. Passaic, on Sunday, November 20th at 3:30 PM.

Pierogi Sale: Our pre-Christmas pierogi sale will be held on Saturday, December 10th , 2011. You may place your orders with Linda Zulkowski after church or by calling 201-791-9272 on or before December 8th. Smacznego!!!

Upcoming Events Read More »

Bus Trip to the Installation of our New Prime Bishop

The Most Rev. Dr. Anthony Mikovsky will be formally installed as the seventh Prime Bishop of the PNCC on Sunday, November 21st at St. Stanislaus Cathedral in Scranton, PA, at 3:00pm. All are invited to attend this important event within the life of the PNCC.

The Polish National Union, District 2 has arranged for a bus trip to the installation. The bus will leave Wallington, Church of the Transfiguration at 12:30pm sharp, and will depart from Holy Cross Parish, Browertown Road, Woodland Park at 12:45pm sharp. We will arrive at the Cathedral for the Installation and Holy Mass beginning at 3pm. The bus will then transport us to dinner at the Hilton beginning at 5:30pm. The dinner is being sponsored by the Supreme Council and there is no charge for the dinner. Our bus will leave Scranton at 8:30pm, returning at 11pm. Adults $20, children $10. Deadline for tickets is Sunday, November 14th. Payment to PNU District 2, Mr. Edmund J. Kotula handling all details. Call 973-773-4090 for more information.

Bus Trip to the Installation of our New Prime Bishop Read More »