December 2014

Christmas 2014 – Holy Mass Schedule

Wednesday, December 24, 2014. Christmas Eve
11:00 PM – Caroling by Choir
11:20 PM – Blessing of Manger, Remembrance Tree
11:30 PM – Shepherd’s Mass, Pasterka offered for God’s blessing upon all parishioners.

Thursday, December 25, 2014. Christmas Day
9:30 AM – Nativity Mass.
11:00 AM – Polska Msza. Boże Narodzenie.

Friday, December 26, 2014. St. Stephen’s Day
7:00 PM – Holy Mass.

Saturday, December 27, 2014. St. John Evangelist
7:00 PM – Holy Mass. Wine will be blessed before Mass and will be distributed following communion.

Sunday, December 28, 2014. Solemnity of the Humble Shepherds
9:00 AM Holy Mass for all parishioners.
11:00 AM Polska Msza za parafian.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014. New Year’s Eve
7:00 PM Holy Mass of Thanksgiving for closing of the Year of 2014.

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Christmas Message

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus!

The event of the coming of the Son of God to earth has been celebrated for over two thousand years, yet every year, the celebration seems to be always new and speaks to our hearts in a very special and joyful way. For us Christians, Christmas is a very significant feast day because it commemorates the event when God became man in order to begin the work of salvation. Christmas is the time when much concern is shown for the needs in the community. Toys are donated, boxes of Christmas food are prepared, clothing is collected and everything is distributed to those who are in need. And this is good because in this way people may show the goodness and love of God. Every year at Christmas we are reminded that the same Jesus Who was born many years ago is still present with us. He is alive in the Church, He is alive in all of us believing in Him and gathered in His name. He is present whenever Mass is offered. As a matter of fact, the name Christmas comes from Christ`s Mass. In the sacrifice of Mass, God comes to us. We can see and feel His presence in the consecrated bread and wine on the altar but most of all when we receive Him in Holy Communion and our hearts become like another Bethlehem, the place where Jesus is really born.

May Jesus Christ bless you abundantly with His graces in this Christmas season and in the coming New Year 2015.

Very Rev. Gregory Mludzik, Pastor

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