Christmas Holy Mass Schedule

Monday, December 24th — Christmas Eve

11:00PM – Caroling by Choir
11:20PM – Blessing of Manager
11:30 PM Shepherd’s Mass, Pasterka.
For God`s blessing upon all parishioners.

Tuesday, December 25th — Christmas Day

9:30AM Nativity Mass.
11:00AM Polska Msza. Boże Narodzenie.

Wednesday, December 26th — St. Stephen’s Day

7:00PM Holy Mass.

Thursday, December 27th — St. John Evangelist

7:00PM Holy Mass. Wine will be blessed before Mass and will be distributed following communion.

Sunday, December 30th — Solemnity of the Humble Shepherds

9:00am Holy Mass for all parishioners
11:00am Polska Msza za parafian

Monday, December 31st — New Year’s Eve

7:00PM Holy Mass of Thanksgiving for the closing of the Year of 2012