Message from Father Gregory

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Our Lord!

On behalf of my family – my wife Tatiana and my sons David and Michael, my daughter Alexandra – and myself, I would like to greet every one of you with these words: “May the name of Jesus Christ be praised.”

I was assigned to Transfiguration of Our Lord Parish on July 15, 2001, first as administrator, and then I became a pastor on April 24, 2005.

Through time, God needs human helpers. To build up His eternal kingdom, he calls people to live and work in the midst of the world and its concerns. He wants the people whom He calls to be effective witnesses to the truth of the gospel and to make his Church a living presence in the midst of that world.

Jesus’ Church is the sacrament of salvation for everyone. All should feel the urgent call to work in our Church through our local parish. In that service, God’s initiative comes first. What form, then, should our response take? Perhaps all we contribute is a free and joyful acceptance of the gift. God’s grace is free, but it’s not cheap. Jesus paid dearly for it: It cost His life. We have to cooperate with His grace. God has called us to be witnesses in the world. The priest is a mediator between God and people. He goes to God on behalf of people – with their aspirations, prayers, sorrows, joys, and offerings. He returns with God’s forgiveness and blessing to the people.

My heartfelt desire is for all of us in this parish and church to be as one family who gathers in the House of God the Father, united in faith. My utmost wish is to expand the religious life of our parish. The center of our interest should be Sunday’s Mass and partaking in Holy Communion. This will strengthen our faith and enable us to draw inspiration for overcoming hardships in daily life. Let us not seek pretenses to absolve ourselves from our obligation of our faith. As your pastor and spiritual leader, I will take responsibility for children, teenagers, adults, and older parishioners. I will try to show everyone that Jesus is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”

There is a place for each one of us in our church. We just need to seek each other out, for Jesus gave specific talents to every one. I am aware of my great responsibility for the whole parish and all parishioners, before God, for your eternal salvation. I also realize that I need your help in order to fulfill my sacred vocation. I need you to stand by me in daily prayer. I need you to challenge me by your faith, your support of my complete commitment to ministry, to obedience, to full dedication of my life to God and His people. Remember, the future of our parish is in our hands. Christ commissioned the Apostles with these words, but they are also addressed to each of us: “Go then, and make disciples of all nations, giving them baptism in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; Teaching them to keep all the rules which I have given you; and see, I am ever with you, even to the end of the world.” (Matthew 28:19).

I respectfully request your prayers and assistance to enable me to be a good Pastor, and to serve well the Polish National Catholic Church and Transfiguration of Our Lord Parish.

I pray and ask for your prayers that the Holy Spirit may descend upon our church and rejuvenate its spiritual being to the Glory of God, and the continued growth of the Polish National Catholic Church. Let us pray for this always together.

Rev. Gregory Mludzik, Pastor